Saturday, December 2, 2017

[writing] trying to describe the process

big meta idea; had it for some time, maybe...i'm not sure exactly between 15 and 10 months. working and developing it around the same essential core, and trying to figure out how to thread it through erra because, bluntly, it is the sort of story mechanic that if handled badly is y'know whatever a brainless tentpole superhero level of  sci-fi [to be clear: they're not all brainless, these movies -- i am attaching the "bad" execution of this idea explicitly to the brainless ones]
if handled fine is like "yeah okay cool that's some sci-fi there"
and if handled well will burst the roof your ecstatic understanding and lift your heart and your mind to the sky, at some point to return but who knows when, you are done, this book has unmade you better go take a walk.

so obviously we're shootin' for the last one.

then the idea, the berenstein idea -- min a friend.

then, writing today. working chapter 3 of column 2; NOT NOT NOT thinking about this
but no question an overarching purpose of this last whatever 18 months editing has been making this stuck, setting the story up to nail the landing on this with both clarity and economy
